Serap Yılmaz
Illustrator / Graphic Designer
- Academician at OMU
- Proficiency in Arts Hacettepe University
- Member of Turkish Medical Illustrators Group
She completed his undergraduate and graduate education at Süleyman Demirel University Fine Arts - Graphics Department. Proficiency in Art education continues at Hacettepe University Fine Arts - Graphics Department. Between 2012-2017, he worked as an art director and illustrator in advertising agencies. He provided design support to companies in projects supported by the Ministry of Trade. Yılmaz, who wrote his master's thesis on medical illustration, has done medical illustration studies and provided design consultancy to the medical departments of many national hospitals and universities.
The artist has participated in many national and international exhibitions, conferences and symposiums. In 2021, her illustration "My Pandemic Mind" was selected for the special issue of Distant Connections - The Lockdown Lowdown magazine titled "Women and COVID a Gendered Pandemic". The same work was included in the "International Medical Illustration Symposium" exhibition organised by the Turkish Medical Illustrators Group in 2022. For 3 years, he has designed the corporate logo of the Turkish Medical Illustrators Group, where he has been producing works under the mentorship of Dr Levent EFE and is also a member. He prepared fossil record illustration for Hacettepe University Biodiversity Research Centre and Museum.
She is currently working as a lecturer at Ondokuz Mayıs University, Department of Design, Graphic Design Programme. She designed the corporate logo of the project called "BasicEDU" supported by the Turkish National Agency and carried out by OMU Health, Culture and Sports Department. Lastly, she gave design training in the project "Creative Cultural Industries Meet Young Entrepreneurs" supported by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey.